CFWINDOW error in Internet Explorer
(too old to reply)
2008-06-04 20:40:58 UTC
I am using CFWINDOW for an ajax login form and I am having a problem in IE...

First of all, just in case this makes a difference, I am using Fusebox for
this site..

I have a CFWINDOW setup called "login" and it loads a page with a simple
cfform login form. I have used CFAJAXIMPORT and included "cfwindow,cfform".
But in internet Explorer, I get the following message...

Error processing JavaScript in markup for element login_body: [Enable
debugging by adding 'cfdebug' to your URL parameters to see more information]

So I added the URL parameter and in the window I get:
error:http: Error processing JavaScript in markup for element login_body:
(really helpful, i know...)

Does anyone have any clue why I am getting this message? I really would like
to use CFWINDOW in this app I am working on so all help will be GREATLY
appreciated! Thanks!
2008-06-06 09:30:31 UTC
the error seems fairly specific to me, you have an error in the markup
of the login_body element.
take a look at that markup for problems, FF and IE will let different
errors slide, it can be quite annoying.

post some code if you need more help

Post by jeby
I am using CFWINDOW for an ajax login form and I am having a problem in IE...
First of all, just in case this makes a difference, I am using Fusebox for
this site..
I have a CFWINDOW setup called "login" and it loads a page with a simple
cfform login form. I have used CFAJAXIMPORT and included "cfwindow,cfform".
But in internet Explorer, I get the following message...
Error processing JavaScript in markup for element login_body: [Enable
debugging by adding 'cfdebug' to your URL parameters to see more information]
(really helpful, i know...)
Does anyone have any clue why I am getting this message? I really would like
to use CFWINDOW in this app I am working on so all help will be GREATLY
appreciated! Thanks!
2008-06-13 23:23:39 UTC
try to use it in different application without Fusebox. Sometimes Fuseboxes have bottle necks.